By Ashley Casarella on May 8th, 2020

Google’s New COVID-19 Features

Category: Digital Marketing

Did you know Google added new COVID-19 related features? Well, keep reading to learn of these new features and how they can help your business during this time!    Google has become a part of our daily and business lives, ...

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By Ashley Casarella on May 8th, 2020

Digital Advertising & Admissions

Category: Digital Marketing

“COVID-19 has changed the classroom environment and disrupted how we interact with others. Through online advertising, social ads, and online interactives, your school can be at the top of everyone’s search and begin to see even larger growth!”    Every ...

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By Ashley Casarella on April 14th, 2020

Digital Marketing During Crisis

Category: Digital Marketing

The initial chaos has somewhat settled, distance learning is well underway, and we’re all adapting to a “new normal for now”.  For those of us in marketing and communications, this means that all our content plans, editorial calendars, media buys, ...

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By Ashley Casarella on November 19th, 2019

A Prospective Parent’s Experience of a Private School’s Digital Marketing Strategy, Part 2

Category: Digital Marketing

A few days later, when Jane takes a break from work and checks Facebook, she is surprised to see an ad for School A’s “Rising 8th Grader Summer BBQ” in her Facebook newsfeed.  That’s weird, but kind of cool she ...

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By Ashley Casarella on November 12th, 2019

A Prospective Parent’s Experience of a Private School’s Digital Marketing Strategy, Part 1

Category: Digital Marketing

Sometimes when we talk to schools about improving their digital marketing, they have trouble understanding and appreciating the value it can provide to their branding and recruiting efforts. It just sounds like additional work and an additional expense pushed by ...

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By Ashley Casarella on October 4th, 2019

Why Digital Marketing, Part 2

Category: Digital Marketing

The world has changed.  And we have all changed too.  Especially in our research and buying habits. We hate to describe education as a “purchase” (because it is so much more than that), but it is helpful to think of ...

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By Ashley Casarella on October 4th, 2019

Why Digital Marketing, Part 1

Category: Digital Marketing

Independent private school recruiting used to be simpler.  It was certainly never easy.  But it was simpler. It used to be that schools could control (to a great extent) what parents and kids heard and learned about their schools. Every ...

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